New Gym Teacher

by Marissa Morar

Have you noticed a new face in the gym this year? This week’s teacher interview was done with Mr. Burkes, Laurel’s new Health and Physical Education teacher. We asked him some questions about who he is and what his plans are for the future.

Q:What is your Name?

A: Mr. Burkes,  Jason

Q:What do you teach?

A: Health and Physical Education

Q: Why did you decide to become a teacher?

A: Both of my parents were math teachers so I wanted to carry on the tradition through my love for sport and health.

Q: Why are you interested in teaching at this school?

A: First off the students, and also the fact that I have coached basket ball for 10 years now, also my pride for the community.

Q: What grades do you teach, and what one is you favorite?

A:I teach 9-12 physical education, and 9-12 health, and all grades are equal; you already know that!

Q: Where do you see your self in five years with your teaching career? 

A: Continuing as health and physical education teacher and my love of sport through Laurel high school.

Thank you Mr. Burkes for allowing us to get to know you! Stop by the gym and give him a warm Spartan welcome!

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