Super Senior Oriana

by Isabella Knight and Julia Cain

Oriana Green is a fantastic student with great potential. She has many accomplishments that should not go unnoticed. She got accepted to West Virginia University and Kent State. She is still deciding between the two, but she knows she wants to major in criminology. She is involved with various school activities such as FFA and student council.

We asked some personal questions to really get to see what kind of person she is. We asked her who she looks up to the most and she said Mrs. Gryn, the art teacher, because she is very talented. We asked what her favorite subject was and she said art because it’s fun and you can express yourself through drawing, painting, or sculpting. We asked what is the main reason why she comes to school everyday which she said was because she likes to see her friends. They make her happy and almost makes her forget she’s at school. We asked her why she was interested in criminology and she said because she wants to investigate crime scenes. Lastly, we asked her what advice she would give the underclassmen. She gave us a very interesting reply which was and I quote, “Stop walking on the wrong side of the hallway.” 

Thank you, Oriana, for your time. As you can see she is a really good student with good expectations. We wish her the best and we congratulate her on all of her accomplishments. To wrap it all up, we’d like to state her senior quote: “Don’t take life too seriously. No one makes it out alive.”- Elbert Hubbard

The Spartan Shield