Lexi 's Wrestling Wisdom

by Marissa Lunn

Alexis Brua, Laurel sophomore, grew up around the sport of wrestling. Last season, she decided to give her shot at the sport, and the rest is history. Lexi had a very successful season, making it all the way to states. Here is what Lexi had to say in a recent interview:

Q: What made you start wrestling? 

Lexi: I was always dancing around the idea of wrestling. My brother wrestled all his life and I was around it every weekend in the winter. Last year I decided to solidify that decision. 

Q: Who are some of your biggest supporters?

Lexi: Definitely my family, the younger girls who wrestle, and my coaches, specifically Kevin Carmichael and Jay Matteo.

Q: What was your experience like at states?

Lexi: It could’ve been a lot better overall. I did not wrestle to the best of my abilities and I learned some lessons from that experience.

Q: What goals do you have for the next wrestling season?

Lexi: To win some more matches against the boys and to finally win states.

Q: Do you have any words of encouragement for new teammates and anyone who is considering joining the wrestling team?

Lexi: I would say if you are thinking about doing it, do it. You won't regret it. It challenges you in a way no other sport can and teaches you many things from working as a team to working on yourself as an individual. 

Congratulations, Lexi, on your season! We look forward to your continued successes here at Laurel. Go Spartans!

Photo credits to : Jen Miles of Milestone Images and Heather Walzer of Something for your Wall Photography

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