Cinderella's Memories

by Nevada Pacifico

After months of hard work, the cast and crew of ¨Cinderella¨ put on three fantastic performances this past weekend. With every show almost completely sold out, magic was made on Laurel´s stage, and I was so happy to be apart of it. I, Nevada Pacifico, a senior at Laurel, was honored to play the role of Cinderella in this years production.

With last years production of ¨Godspell,¨ we unfortunately had to minimize the cast due to the pandemic so I was super excited to have a bigger cast again this year. With that being said, we had a lot of younger students audition this year which is great, but was also a learning process. However, I was so lucky to have 6 other seniors on stage to help lead these younger kids, and that became such a bonding experience for all of us. I created so many new friendships through these past 4 months, and shared so many new memories with them.

Musical has always been the highlight of my high school years, and that´s purely because of the people I am surrounded by. I love performing so much, but what makes Laurel theater so special is the people I get to experience it with. I can confidently say that this year was definitely the best so far, and I will forever be grateful for the opportunities this program has given me.

The Spartan Shield