Prom Dues

by Hanna Seifert

Since the beginning of our Spartan era, we as a community have aspired to make our school dances the best we can, and that begins with you! This year our prom will be held on May 5th 2023. The junior class was in charge of funding for this year's prom. The end of all fundraisers were passed out before Christmas break. The Laurel school district put on fundraisers with Sarris candy and Augustine's pizza. We thank all for participating in this fundraiser. While our juniors have worked so hard to raise this money, we still need more! Many of our juniors still owe at least their $100 dollar dues. Any junior that does not pay their dues, will not be able to buy prom tickets, and attend the dance. We would love to see everyone there, so please, if you have not paid your dues, do so asap. You can find a paper on the wall outside of Mrs. Skerbetz room with a list of students that still owe dues, and the amount you owe. Let’s pay those dues, and make this the best prom yet!

The Spartan Shield