State Farm Show

by Lexi Brua

The Laurel FFA chapter recently traveled to Harrisburg, PA to compete in various contests ranging from the iconic square-dancing and demonstration teams. But before they arrived, they visited Hershey Park to get souvenirs and of course chocolate. The next day, at 9:30 sharp, one of the demonstration teams, “Top Notch” gave their speech about animal identification. Soon after, at 10:00, the other demonstration team went, speaking about how to saddle a western style horse. With downtime between competitions, the FFA members ventured across the complex, admiring all displays, such as the butter sculpture. At approximately 6:45, the square dance teams competed, and brought home the blue ribbons. Later in the week, the demonstration results came back, “Top Notch” got third place, while horse-saddling got ninth. It was an amazing week for our FFA chapter!

The Spartan Shield