To Be a Spartan

by Breah Dewberry

The Mariam-Webster definition of “spartan” is: “a person of great courage and self discipline.” 

To be a spartan is a lot of things. Of course we all know to be “kind, safe, and responsible,” but if you look back on history, spartans are a lot more.  

Spartan warriors date all the way back to 431 B.C. where they fought in the Peloponnesian War. They were most known for their professionalism and bravery throughout different wars. Spartans were loyal and respected and never gave up on a fight. They did nothing half heartedly. 

It was no mistake that our very own Laurel High School came to have the spartans as our mascot. Throughout the years of long study nights, early mornings, and sweet victories, I hope we can all embody what it means to be a Spartan; resilient, brave, and courageous. 

“Modern armies all follow the Spartan pattern. If you want to overcome adversity, you must constantly rehearse encountering adversity. Then, when real adversity arrives, you are not fazed by it.” ~ Tom Strabo

The Spartan Shield