Senior Maggie McKnight
by Talia Cartwright
Maggie McKnight is a Laurel Senior in Class of 2023. She spends her time staying on top of her grades while also being dedicated to both Track and Field and Cheerleading (both Sideline and Competition.
Maggie can be described as kind, joyful, fun, and loving to her peers. During her time of being a cheerleader, she and her cheer squad have won the WPIAL Cheerleading Competition both her Freshman and Junior year of high school. Maggie has also accomplished being an All American Cheerleader two times in her Cheerleading career.
Aside from athletics, she has been a part of the Science Olympiad and won medals in her competitions for it. After high school, she plans on attending Ashland University to major in Psychology and minor in Biochemisty. Her advice to other students is “do what you want to do in high school because ultimately you’re setting yourself up for the rest of your life, join that club or sport and just have fun.” Congratulations to Maggie for her accomplishments so far in high school and good luck for the remainder of the school year as well as her future!
“Do what you want to do in high school because ultimately you’re setting yourself up for the rest of your life. Join that club or sport and just have fun.”