Upcoming Tractor Day

by Mia Lombardo

Tractor day, I’d say, is one of the best days of the year! Living in Laurel, you get to experience different things such as driving your tractors to school. You start your day at around 5:30 - 6am, or earlier for some. Us kids get to tailgate all morning before our day starts. We get to cook breakfast, play cornhole, and even dance around to music. 

Laurel’s Tractor Day is on May 5th this year. Everyone is always so excited for prom, but I’d say I am just as excited for this day. The entire week is filled with joy because it starts off with spirit week. Every day we will have a theme for school and on Thursday we will be in farming gear of course! It is a day where everyone is in a good mood because you get to hangout with your peers and just relax. 

The Spartan Shield