Food Drive Success!
by Talia Cartwright
First a big thank you to the students, community members, and faculty for helping contribute to make this food drive a great success this year. Both the High School and Elementary School put in an incredible amount of effort in raising both money, paper products, and food items for families in need.
The Annual Food Drive is organized by Laurel’s Student Council as they encourage teachers and students to collect items for this cause. This year, teachers were grouped up in teams to determine a winner in order to encourage and motivate more students to participate. Also, many teachers awards benefits for the students in their classroom.
All the items raised were donated to support Project Hope. Project Hope is an organization that helps the Laurel Community members where help is needed. All donations received will be sent to those families. This year a total of 3,378 items were donated and $1,700 in cash. Once again, thank you to everyone who participated and we hope to beat this amount next year to support Project Hope and the Laurel Community.