Senior Aidan Collins
by Talia Cartwright
Aidan is a hardworking and determined student here at Laurel High School, who is a part of numerous athletics. He is a member of the football team as the middle linebacker and in the basketball team as a strong forward. Aidan is also a member of track and field, competing in the triple jump, the long jump, and the 200 meter run. He also participates in baseball on Laurels baseball team, playing at first base.
In football he has accomplished being team captain and being able to achieve section champions. After high school, Aidan plans to attend a four year college or university and is undecided on his major. His advice for other students is “you're only in high school once; enjoy it while it lasts.” Wishing good luck to Aidan Collins in his future endeavors.
“You’re only in high school once; enjoy it while it lasts”